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saying good-bye

  A few hours ago I returned home from the funeral Mass for Monsignor William Schwartz and as I recounted the memories made while he was Rector of the Cathedral of Saint Peter and I was the Lay Leader of the RCIA program, I couldn’t help but muse as to how many devoted followers of Jesus I have been blessed to know and love. God has woven a blanket of grace and wrapped me in it. Each person I got to know, whether priest, bishop, pastor, minister… Jesus spoke through all of them. He definitely spoke through Msgr. Bill – a man so close to the heart of Jesus that it was impossible to be around him without feeling the presence of Christ. I was privileged to work with Msgr. Schwartz after I completed the 2-year Diocesan Ministry Formation program. And even though that was many years ago, his loving guidance and wisdom, as well as his love of humor remained with me long after our time at St. Peter’s Cathedral had ended. Msgr. Schwartz did not suffer fools, yet he wholeheartedly embraced

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