the ebb and flow of life...

Life is never as static or as simple as fixed numbers depict & the amount of work needed to make life good should be honored and voiced.  I am ready to admit my imperfection as well as cheer my bravery and tenacity.  While I am using the last of my reserve money to ransom Steve’s ashes I am ready to have him home and feel it is the right & good thing to do.  I rely on my faith – in God first and foremost, and in those I love next to guide me and support me as I walk my way through this new beginning.  Reaching out to people I have never met through the GoFundMe campaign is just one more step of faith and hope.  I hear the clock ticking in my head, feel the time needed to rescue my home slipping away in every fiber of my being – and yet I must release my future to serendipity.

On June 13th a local senator is hosting a Homeowner Mortgage Resource Fair here in Rockford.  I want to attend to once-and-for-all see what I might be able to accomplish.  But in truth I am starting at zero monetary reserve – although for the moment I am self-sufficient (not counting housing costs or any funds devoted to ever managing the acquisition of a vehicle).  I am doing my best and allowing the larger universe of love & luck to carry me forward.  Pray for me… share my campaign… and contribute if you can and my journey resonates with you.  I will continue to post here and on my blogs.  I know I am not alone – there are many more hidden stories like mine & I hope to somehow reach them and give them voice as I go.



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