the birth of a new blog... COMING SOON

I have this presence online…on Facebook & Google+… on SparkPeople & Pinterest… and of course here with my fledgling blog, Serendipity’s Ditchdigger on Blogger.  I even have a VERY minor presence remaining on MySpace!  There are details about me at and related academia sites.  And I’m sure there are wisps of my poetry on various sites throughout the cloud-o-sphere.  I exist in this digital world just as surely as I do in the flesh-and-blood world of Rockford, Illinois.  I have always been tempted to pay one of those PeopleFinder sites to get a full report on myself – just to see what others can see but I’ve never done it.  I also have a profile and information on… and I’m sure if I searched my memory and the internet long & hard enough I could come up with several more places where traces of me linger.  Yet I aspire to something more… a place of my very own consolidated…


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